How to Use PR to Tell a Story

Storytelling is the hallmark of an effective PR campaign. It doesn’t matter whether you’re pitching the media or running a content marketing campaign, you need to always “show it” rather than just talking about it.


The media is tired of receiving boring pitches. You need to take a unique approach and cut through the clutter with visuals.


Here are proven ways to land you a killer interview:

1. Create short but captivating videos:

If you want to land interviews with media outlets, you need to tell your story visually.


It doesn’t have to be a TED talk, but your on-camera style is critical. Because it’s going to show your passion and confidence in your brand story.


People love video content. Studies show that one-third of online activity is spent watching videos, and by the end of 2021, internet videos will constitute 80% of global internet traffic.


PR to Tell a Story - global ip traffic


You may even create a vlog that you share on YouTube. Or incorporate a thoughtful video in your written content. Keep it short. If you can get people to watch your content, journalists, editors, and influencers will be more willing to share it.


Once you have samples to share, create a relevant pitch that can correspond with the visual aide. Additionally, when creating articles, make a video as an added component.


2. Tell your story with data:

Data unveils the truth. As a PR strategist, you need data-driven insights to tell your story. Don’t just share opinions or personal thoughts, incorporate meaningful data.


For effective media relations, clear facts and data make the most compelling stories.


In an interview with Bill Gates which focuses on his appreciation of useful data, he gave a surprising stats about polio eradication.


PR to Tell a Story - bill gates


This not only drives the message home, it positions Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as a credible non-profit organization that’s dedicated to making a lasting impact.


3. Connect emotionally:

We enjoy stories that pique our minds and question what hold dear to our hearts.


Share a business story with the intention of entertaining, educating, and inspiring your audience. Nostalgic stories will also be remembered — and attached to your brand.


4. Podcasts:

Another form of content or story that people love and remember is podcasts. Journalists, in particular, love to consume podcasts while they’re driving or working. Online consumers also enjoy audio content.


According to Podcast Insights, 44% of the U.S. population has listened to a podcast.


Make it easy for reporters to consume your content or participate in your cause. Podcasts are a good alternative to reading. It fits well into your content marketing strategy.


PR to Tell a Story - podcast fits content marketing



List out your favorite industry podcasts, then pitch your story or idea to them. When you successfully land a podcast interview, it’s a great content you can share on your website, social accounts, and to editors.


And one podcast interview can be a stepping stone to getting even more exposure. Yes, it’s easier to land a podcast interview than getting featured on media outlets sites (such as Techcrunch, TIME, etc.).


Download Sample Press Kit

You need to download this Press Kit template below. It’s simple to use and you can easily edit it using Microsoft Word or Google Docs.


PR to Tell a Story - sample press kit for download

Click here to download this Press Kit for Free



There you have it, the definitive guide to creating a high-effective press kit to drive PR campaigns that get results. Suppose you’re a journalist, what’s the number #1 element that will motivate you to work with a company or brand, based on their media kit?


Is it the brand story, product, achievements, case studies, or company culture?


Whatever your favorite element is, that’s exactly what you need to tweak in your existing media kit or incorporate into your new media kit if you’re yet to create one.


If you have questions, let us know.