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Reputation management has now taken an important position in the present-day business environment. Today, reputation is everything. It helps people create or maintain their perception about your brand and your company. If you are not paying attention to what your customers are saying about you, it gives a very poor impression about your business and the services you provide.

Maintaining a reputation is hard. A single blog post or comment anywhere on the internet can cause a lot of damage when it shows up on a google search result. Prospective customers always look up the internet for company information before doing business. Today’s business environment does not provide a shelter or a place to hide. Everything is out in the public domain.

Companies today are under many such threats. It could be from an ex-employee or even illegal tactics from an aggressive competitor. Someone on social media might also be talking about you or your company and putting out negative connotations. In today’s connected world, how do you keep track of all this? What can you do to stay on top of issues when they arise?

Your reputation has taken years to create and has been a huge investment with a lot of hard work and dedication put in.

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Acumen Velocity understands that the years of hard work done by an organization in building and maintaining their reputation could be tarnished very quickly.

Our review management services, when combined with social media management, provides business owners with a sense of freedom, a freedom to do what they want, when they want, knowing that Acumen is working hard to monitor your online reputation.

We incorporate the latest tools to perform social listening and brand mentions as well as any negative reviews that might show up anywhere on the internet. Every business faces this problem. As long as someone responds back to the review in a timely fashion and concentrates on the real issue without getting biased, it goes a long way to show that the business owner cares about their customers.

Acumen Velocity has a solid reputation of performing just that for a lot of various businesses spread out all over the world.

Would you like to know more how to nurture and preserve your business reputation online? Contact us to for further inquiries.


Our services focus on improving your marketing ROI. We believe in doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t. We have a track record of helping our clients with a lot of different solutions over the years.

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